Projekti u tijeku

Sedima Tower Dakar – Senegal

The project is located on a plot of land bordered by the boulevard Route de la Corniche and two other minor roads. It directly overlooks the ocean in an area of great transformation for the city of Dakar. The mixed-use tower (high-level residences and offices) consists of 17 floors above ground plus two underground levels. As a high-level building, it will be an integral and significant part of the new urban layout of the city. Long with its evident role as a visual landmark covering long distances, the project also intends to give the tower a ‘playful-theatrical aspect’, strictly related to its architectural conformation. Some elements of the tower, for example, work as parts of an interactive urban scenography with events organized at the base or on the tower itself, such as the lighting element placed between the two vertical blades of the front.

Projekti u tijeku

Emerald Hotel Radisson Collection Project – Nigeria

Radisson Collection je najviši segment luksuza za hotelski lanac Radisson. Emeral Hotel Project se nalazi u mjestu Oniru, Lagos, Nigerija. Vlasnik hotela je ENL Group. Projekt je dizajnirao DIAD u Južnoj Africi kao 193 sobe kao najluksuzniji hotel u Africi. Ersa je započela s radom u veljači 2020. godine kako bi izgradila baze ključ u ruke, uključujući FF&E. Projekt Emerald hotela ima 17 gornjih katova plus 2 podrumska kata. Zelena boja smaragda susreće se sa zlatom kako bi opremila sva područja uključujući vanjske obloge kako bi zadovoljila najviše luksuzne standarde. ELV Technologies za pametno upravljanje za uporabu s jedinicama izmjenične struje za uštedu energije i ćelijama za proizvodnju solarne energije. Projekt će se isporučiti samo za 14 mjeseci, uključujući duga razdoblja dostave i logistike. Radisson Južna Afrika kontrolira standarde kvalitete kako bi zadovoljio Radissonovo proširenje.

Projekti u tijeku

Semsa Hospital Douala – Cameroon

The hospital located in the Center of Douala. The investor is the private business person has Hotel Investments in the whole Central Africa Region. The Project has been designed by a Turkish Architectural Group for ERSA. ERSA’ s Medical Consultants and Turkish Health Tourism Agency Management has directed the design process. Ersa will construct the project with in next 13 months as EPC Contractor and operate the hospital for the Investor. Project has 65 beds capacity with 16 polyclinics, 4 Operation Rooms, 16 ICU Unit and will give service as General Ward Hospital.

Projekti u tijeku

Jizzakh City Railway Project – Uzbekistan

700 m long railway crossing bridge and 4km asphalt road project connecting Islam Kerimov street and M39 road.

Projekti u tijeku

Slatina – Croatia Infrastructure Project

Slatinski infrastrukturni projekt sadrži 66 km gravitacijskih valovitih cjevovoda, 57 km PE tlačnih vodova, 5,6 km sanacije postojećih vodova, 1.000 m3 izgradnje spremnika za vodu, kućnih priključaka, odvodnih linija, cesta, pješačkih staza, biciklističkih staza i uređenja okoliša. Projekt je Fidic Redbook ugovor, a vremenski rok za projekt je 33 mjeseca.

Projekt se financira sredstvima Europske unije i zaključen je međunarodni postupak nadmetanja.

Projekti u tijeku

Radisson Blu Banjul Banjul – Gambia

Project has 60 presidential and royal suits alongside 400 luxurious rooms. The five-star hotel will ensure the guests receive a befitting accommodation experience. Additionally, it will diversify our tourism portfolio by providing luxurious accommodation facilities for high-end tourists.

Projekti u tijeku

Eno Lecture Hall Complex – Senegal

It has equipment and resources that allow students and the community to have modern infrastructure nearby, thus helping to improve their quality of study and life.

Projekti u tijeku

Beli Manastir Wastewater Treatment – Croatia

Project scope includes the expansion of the existing UPOV with a capacity of 8,000 ES and the current II. purification stage to a final capacity of 16,000 ES is III. degree of treatment with the construction of a plant for solar drying of sludge from the waste water treatment process.

The works are contracted according to the terms of the contract for installation sand design and construction for electrical and mechanical buildings and works according to the Contractor’s projects (FIDIC Yellow Book)

Projekti u tijeku

Jizzakh City Housing Project – Uzbekistan

Center on the city project has 44 social building, 16 luxury buildings, 38 villas, school, hospital, preschool, shopping center, gym, mosque and social areas.