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Formation interne du siège social

ERSA Head Office Internal Training Programs are going on.
Fridays Pre MBA Training Saturdays Primavera P6 Training  programs are commenced with a huge interest of our Valuable Staff.

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Projet financé par l'UE de l'agglomération de Slatina

Slatina Agglomeration EU Funded Project has been started with a Kick off Meeting.

Eptisa Adria d.o.o as Engineer, Komrad d.o.o as Client and Ikonart Konsruccije as Fidic Engineer joined to the meeting on 13 August 2021 Friday.

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Hôtel Radisson Collection Émeraude

Mock Up Room for the most Luxury Hotel of Africa Radisson Collection Emerald Hotel has been completed. Moving forward forthe complete work scope.

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Projet d'usine informatique au Sénégal

Le projet Sénégal Computer Factory a déjà commencé. Les travaux de terrassement se déroulent sur le site tandis que Steel Structure est sur la ligne de production de notre usine.